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Monday, February 22, 2021


 I came across a very lengthy post this morning in which, the following question was raised,

"What book have you read in the course of your student life that changed some meaning or perspective about the world at large for you?''

It was asked during an interview, hence I believe the one asking this question does not take into consideration what is going on in the mind of the one been interviewed. It is safe to say, whenever we walk into an interview, we are ready for the main purpose of the interview, which also include to pass it with flying colors. Take example for job interview, the main purpose of course to secure that job, therefore, we would normally getting prepared by doing a bit research on the company that we want to work at, what would be our expectation and some of our previous experience. Not to mention trying to calm the nerves. That part is real. 

During that earlier interview, where we are well aware of our competitors being on the same qualities as we are, how would we portray ourselves better than the rest? I would say it would be our manners, eloquence and our abilities to give that extra effort in line with the interview subject as per above example. 

Regardless, to answer the uttered question, it took me more that couple of hours to come out with the title. It is not easy, I read a lot of books growing up and I still did. I have even listed reading as my hobby once. I read all sort of books, in both English and Malay and some in Indonesia language (not easy but it can be done). Same goes to the genre, I have read from kids and teenage books to adult, fantasy to horror, autobiography and historical as well. So I actually sit down, and here are my lists:

1. Isabella by Maulana Muhammad Saeed Dehlvi (1980) - This is a story of a young Christian girl, a daughter of a highest priest living in Cordova, Spain that not only converted to Islam but fight for her beloved religion. It taught me how to debate wisely and give a certain amount of understanding of both religion. 

2. Artakusiad saga series by Ahmad Patria Abdullah (1987-1993) - This is one of the favourite series of books I read growing up. It is different from the novel during that time, it is full of make believe fantasy world which I manage to create in my mind and stay there a while. It was always a good escapism looking at how I was living back then. The house was always crowded with people and I always be the one who misbehave and reading this series take my mind of things and provided me with solace and comfort that I need. I know it was unreal even as a kid, but it give me hope that possibilities are endless and never give up no matter what is the obstacles.

These are books I have read growing up, that I remembered the most and had taken some of the essence and carried them with me until now. 

Going back to the earlier paragraph, just because the interviewer are bored and they can come out with creative questions which is outside the ordinary and not expected, although I believe (since the interviewer is an academician and have bigger brain than mine) he had a better reason and judgment. This is my two cents that leadership, moral value and working culture can be picked up along the way once they are working in the industries. 

Or is it because these are local graduates that the academician do not have any faith on them?